Spend some part of a Durga Puja in Kolkata? Check!

All right, so I can cross that off my list. It’s just bigger, noisier and with the right kind of people around, funner.

My mother has gone crazy. For the first time in twenty years, she has decided to display a Golu. And she has done so. And she has started buying dolls with a vengeance. Today she went and bought a pair of the most creepy-ass dolls ever imagined by a doll-maker tripping on acid and pissed off with life.

Let me give you a word picture(I’ll put up a real picture later).

The dolls are a big ol’ turbaned, mustachioed North Indian and his grinning, made up, fat-ass wife. The wife has a grin which would scare the shit out of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.# To add to the horror, Their heads are mounted on a coiled piece of metal so that they fucking loll about as if The Headless Horseman was having a bad day

Yes, Interesting times we live in.

Also, Would you agree that the most frustrating thing possible is when you reach the counter and it closes for lunch? (Yes/No)

Speaking of which, Women should not be allowed to man counters selling bus tickets. When you are standing in a line waiting to catch a bus quickly, you do not want to listen to a bunch of women exclaiming “Oma! Ki Shundor!” and forgetting that they’re supposed to be handing people bus tickets!. You won’t catch men doing that. They may be just lazy, inefficient and corrupt but at least they won’t forget about doing their job. They will willfully ignore it. That’s different.

# Also check out the picture in the wiki article on Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. If that’s not gay…

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Terragen Time.(and other news)

Home for the weekend( Bless you SBSTC). So let me review my fortnight(Yes I didn’t come home last weekend).

Let’s see…….

JUDE is showing Neo-Noir films every wednesday(They’re going to show 6 films, I believe). Saw Miller’s Crossing and Coffee and Cigarettes. They’s gonna show “In The Soup” this wednesday.

I’ve given my name for the JUDE football team for the FOA Inter departmental Footbal Tournament. been practising regularly.

I’ve taken up Latin Classes. Quite interesting. We’re currently learning Latin grammar.

And now The Honours and Extra-Departmental courses. Quite nice and interesting. And sometimes quite fun.

Been doing some experiments with Terragen after a long time.



Oh and I got a haircut(after four months 😳 )

Cheers for now. πŸ™‚

Admission Headache

Today was the admission for Jadavpur University. I’ve been selected for B.A.(Hons) English. JU has the best English Faculty in India, and out of 3000+ students who gave the entrance test(yes, there’s an entrance test) I managed to qualify. πŸ˜€

So the admissions were to start from 11:00 AM. We decided to go by the 6:00 AM bus to Kolkata. It’s ordinarily. a three hour journey but today was no ordinary day. It’s been raining continuously for the past two-three days. Trains to Kolkata have been cancelled, so buses were fully booked. The 6:00 AM bus came to the stop at 7:00 AM 😯 We all climbed in(heartily abusing the driver and SBSTC) Bus starts. But….. Just after Muchipara it blows a tyre. 😑 the fools had come with a defective tyre. The driver originally wanted to turn the bus back, but all the passengers requested(okay,threatened to beat the crap out of him) that he get it repaired at a shop nearby. It took about an hour. We set out at 8:30 AM. At 10:00 we phoned one of the members of the AFSU helpline. He said not to worry, coz it was the case with a lot of people. We reached Kolkata at 11:40 AM–a full 2Β½ hrs late– reached JU at 12:10 PM. phoned the guy again. He took me to the HOD of english. Got all my docs verified. Then got the fee book, hostel form, and paid the admission fees. I’m now a student of JU. πŸ™‚

Only problem is, Hostel allocation is in September, so couple fo months will have to live as PG. Oh well, to make an omlette you have to break an egg